
Here you can find all the relevant policies Arbour Shipping adheres to and expects all visitors of the website and customers to also be onboard with.

For more information contact us on 01942 885 690 or email [email protected]

Ethical Policy

The Global compact is an international initiative to support the principles in the area of human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption.

Arbour Shipping Ltd is committed to support the United Nations Global Compact by adhering to the following ten principles:

  1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights within their sphere of influence; and
  2. Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  3. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the rights to collective bargaining.
  4. The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
  5. The effective abolition of child labour; and
  6. Eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  7. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  8. Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
  9. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies;
  10. Business should work against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.

Environmental Policy Statement

The Management of Arbour Shipping Ltd recognises the need to have in place an active policy that both protects the environment and promotes good working practices. A Policy that is designed to minimise the effects of pollution, reduce our carbon footprint and promote recycling efforts.

Arbour Shipping Ltd actively intends to comply with all legislation and official codes of practice, in line with advice from the Environmental Agency and local authorities whose mission statement encourages all commercial businesses to consider their environmental impact.

This is achieved by suitably training all staff and taking reasonable and practical steps to minimise the production of waste, noise, dust, smoke and any other known pollutants generated by the operation of this site.

Particular, attention will be directed to all staff with regards to:

  • Segregation of all types of waste to ensure maximum benefit for recycling
  • Minimising resource consumption
  • Monitoring utilities usage and measuring meter readings
  • Use of energy saving lighting
  • Reviewing all sub-contractors and customers,

Special care and attention will be given to ensure that:

  • All company vehicles in our operation are regularly maintained and serviced to keep emissions of fumes and noise to an acceptable level in line with legislation.
  • All recyclable materials are segregated from other wastes, e.g., plastic cups, wooden pallets, office paper, archive files, toner cartridges, cardboard etc. Other wastes are also segregated to ensure any recyclable elements can be removed to minimise waste to land fill, e.g., computer monitors and accessories plus any Electrical Wastes (WEEE Products).
  • To keep to the minimum or avoid completely, using environmentally hazardous substances in the cleaning and maintenance of this office
  • Efficient use of energy, reducing resource consumption, e.g., water, electricity and gas by reporting leakages to maintenance staff, switching off lights in rooms not in use, turning off computer monitors when not in use, reducing thermostat controls, efficient use of air con units, reduce/re-use of paper or re-use of office consumables

All staff and those having defined involvement with the operation of any environmental protection measures or controls will be informed of their responsibilities in the relevant Company procedures. Temporary and visiting staff, suppliers and contractors will be made aware of the Management’s Environmental Protection philosophy by means of prominent display of this notice, and where appropriate a one-to-one introduction to this site’s policy to ensure compliance.

We monitor and review this policy on an regular basis or further legislation is introduced which indicates the necessity. We also maintain for the provision of adequate resources to ensure its application.

Our Chosen Charities


Oxford Road Manchester M13 9WL
Registered charity number 1049274


PO Box 123 London WC2A 3PX
Registered charity no. 1089464

Accessibility policy

We are a responsible developer of websites, and want as many internet users as possible to view our site, regardless of what browsing technology they are using, and regardless of their disabilities.

Our site has been built to function correctly across the standard operating systems, with the majority of browsing software, but if you experience difficulty using our site we want to learn about your incident. If so, please contact us.

Standard compliance

  • Our graphical site satisfies Level 1 priority checkpoints (W3C WCAG – A Compliance)
  • The pages in this site have been validated as HTML5

For more information on accessibility you can visit:

Think Global Act Local